Episode 3: An Accidental Activist
Up in the snowy mountains of Colorado, in a little group of buildings many call a ghost town, there is a man named billy.
billy’s a bit of a legend. He lives alone, and during the winter, he doesn’t see anyone for months on end. But from his unique, solitary, hermit-like lifestyle, he has somehow changed the face of climate science.
Tune into episode three to find out how.
Read the full transcript -- coming soon!
Get Involved
Support billy's vision by donating to Indigenous Environmental Network, a coalition of indigenous grassroots environmental justice activists, here.
Check out billy's website that tracks almost 50 years of weather data, here.
Stay updated by following the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab on Facebook, here.
"Tips From Someone With Nearly 50 Years of Social Distancing Experience," Rae Ellen Bichell, NPR.
Additional information from interviews with Rachel Dickson.